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 Á¦   ¸ñ Boston and Musician 9_Antonio
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 µî ·Ï ÀÏ 2012-06-13

In BC 44, when the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar was murdered in the Senate, Queen Cleopatra proposed and married to Antonio who seized power, but they were both defeated by Octavian in the Actium sea battle and met a tragic end.


As opposed to the Middle Ages when the man¡¯s voice (vocal music) was considered as the best music of all, music made only of instrumental performances appear when the Renaissance in the late 16th century slowly fades away. It meant the man¡¯s voice was losing ground to the instrumental music. The lead was the Venetian School which established the basis of modern music that was dramatic only by instruments and rich in color. The music around this time period, that is, the Baroque period of Monteverdi and Antonio Vivaldi in Venezia, the starting point of the European music, and Handel and Bach in Germany, is called the beginning of the classical music.


The following are the summary of the history of music before the Baroque period. The music was standardized into 5 lines (before, there were 4 or 6 lines) during the Notre Dame School in the 1200s. In 1501, music began to be popularized as it became possible to print out using the metal printing press made by Gutenberg. The artist Leonardo da Vinci first designed the violin, the queen of instruments, and the absolute perfection of art; Antonio Stradivari (1644-1737) made the standard type violin of today; and as the technique of dividing the rhythm by drawing the vertical line in each bar in music was completed, thus began the classical music (the Baroque music), which is being loved today even after four hundred years.


Antonio Vivaldi is sometimes criticized for composing similar pieces to The Four Seasons1) (popular in countries like Korea where 4 seasons are clearly divided), the familiar concerto. However, he is well recognized for taking an interest in the instruments other than the violin family such as including various wind instruments in the concerto with mainly string instruments.


The Salieri Syndrome mentioned by the entertainer Jeong Hyung-don is a newly-coined word formed by the misunderstanding that Antonio Salieri poisoned Mozart for jealousy in the movie Amadeus. In reality, Salieri was a much more renowned musician than Mozart by that time that the chance of him poisoning Mozart is almost zero.


By the way, today at 1 A.M of December 5th, 1791, is the anniversary of the death of Mozart, who died of high fever and uremia. He was a prodigy who gained the honors from the elites when he was on the tour around Europe since young age. However, Mozart, in his last days –especially in the last two years- was taken out of interest by the Austrian palace and the nobles. Especially in the last six months, he composes <La clemenza di Tito>, , and 2)>, but the surrounding situations were in the middle of a corrupted society where biographers could no longer trace. Mozart¡¯s music was taken indifferently in Vienna but was popular in Prague. He was invited by his teacher Haydn to London, but could not leave Vienna, the place that became the cause of his ruin, and could not get out of the intemperate life that the average lower class citizens could not dare imagine. Mozart did not write any diaries, so it is hard to imagine how he accepted the treatment he received that was much worse than that of the inferior musicians. However, I feel badly about the indifference of the contemporaries toward Mozart, who was like a child who liked to laugh out loud and showed interests in the littlest things. The early December reminds me of Mozart¡¯s death. His hometown Salzburg is now a rich town by the Mozart tourism, and we hear lots of familiar melodies on the subway3), game machines, and the ringtones of the cell phones composed by Mozart. However, in fact, Mozart was in a street far from richness, and he died alone, thrown in the cemetery because he could not get out of debt and had no funeral expenses.

I could not help but think about the death of the genius who died forlornly that I added some unnecessary comments.

Thank you, Mozart!


You might be wondering why I am talking about the Antonios.

In November 22, 2010, a concert was held in the lobby of Haenam General Hospital to celebrate the extension of the hemodialysis center. We invited the world-renowned flutist Antonio Amenduni, who was the head of the Roman opera house and is now a full professor at the Umberto Giordano National Conservatory and professor at Sungshin Women¡¯s University, and Professor Kyuhyang Kim, the leader of the Mokpo Flute ensemble, with me playing the guitar. It was an honorable experience for me to have a chance to perform two pieces of music –¡®Magic Castle¡¯ and ¡®Secret Garden¡¯- with the world-class maestros.


Flute we use today is completed by Boehm from Germany. The instrument was a generic term for wind instruments without any reed, but today it is the particular transverse flute used in orchestras. These days they are mostly made of metal, but it  was originally made of wood that it is still classified as woodwind instruments.


Every year December in Harvard Joslin Diabetes Center, people are busy with organizing the papers to present in the American Diabetes Association (ADA) held in next year June. The guidelines to treat diabetes that we use today are also presented in this place. This year, it was held in Orlando, the city of Disney world, and many papers have been presented by honorable Koreans.


Come to think of it, the first city that I attended ADA in June of 2000 was San Antonio in Texas.¾ÈÅä´Ï¿À9_½ÅÀå½Ç.jpg

It¡¯s a pleasure, Antonio (Antonius)!


See you again in Boston and Musician 10.


December 5, 2010, Yang Tae Young, Haenam

Currently the chief of the department of internal medicine, taeyoung21 clinic

Studied in Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School (2009-2010)


Picture: Performing with Antonio, Sarah, and Professor Kyuhyang Kim (middle), celebration of the extension of the hemodialysis center_ from the left, director Sangsu Kim, chief of the internal medicine department Kyungnam Kim, chief of the internal medicine department Taeyoung Yang, director of the hospital Dongguk Kim, head of the nursing department Youngsun Seo, Professor Jonghun Jeong from Chosun University, Professor Suwan Kim from Chonnam University, Professor Eunhee Bae, director Gwanghyun Choi from Gambro, head nurse of kidney center Sunmi Park.




1) In reality, it is hard to exactly divide the spring, summer, fall, and winter from The Four Seasons, and if the orchestra received the wrong order and performed ¡®the winter¡¯ instead of ¡®the fall¡¯, most people would not notice the difference.

2) Requiem: the Mass music to console the soul of the dead. The music is left as incomplete as Mozart passed away while composing in 1791. Count von Walstegg-Stuppach requested Mozart to compose. The piece was completed by Süssmayr, the pupil of Mozart and the representative composer of the Vienna music.

3) The background music to ¡®This stop is OO, OOO station. The door is on your left¡¯ is Serenade Act. 3 of Mozart¡¯s music, piece number (K) 525, and ¡®Piano Sonata Number 11¡¯ is played in the last subway station. ¡®As you get off the subway, please make sure you have all of your belongings with you. From Mozart¡¯

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26 º¸½ºÅæ°ú À½¾Ç°¡14_Ŭ·¡½Ä ±âŸ, Åƹö¸° ±×¸®°í °í.. (1) ¾çÅ¿µ 2012-06-13 5,165
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24 Boston and Musician 11 _ C¡¯est si bon and the .. ¾çÅ¿µ 2012-06-13 4,507
23 º¸½ºÅæ°ú À½¾Ç°¡13_ ´ë°ü·É°ú Åʱۿìµå À½¾ÇÃàÁ¦ ¾çÅ¿µ 2012-06-13 4,534
22 º¸½ºÅæ°úÀ½¾Ç°¡ 12_¡®³ª°¡¼ö¡¯¿Í Ŭ·¡½ÄÀÇ ¸®¾ó ¹ö.. ¾çÅ¿µ 2012-06-13 4,244
21 º¸½ºÅæ°ú À½¾Ç°¡ 11_¼¼½ÃºÀ°ú À̱۽º ¾çÅ¿µ 2012-06-13 4,455
20 Boston and Musician 10_Musical ¾çÅ¿µ 2012-06-13 5,171
19 º¸½ºÅæ°ú À½¾Ç°¡ 10_¹ÂÁöÄà ¾çÅ¿µ 2012-06-13 4,669
Boston and Musician 9_Antonio ¾çÅ¿µ 2012-06-13 5,659
17 Boston and Musician 8_ Supporter ¾çÅ¿µ 2012-06-13 4,977
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